"Jade Rush" - collect treasures in the Mobile Poker Club!

From April 1 to April 7, the Mobile Poker Club is hosting an exciting “Jade Rush” promotion. This is a unique event that not only gives players the opportunity to win big prizes, but also an exciting treasure-hunting adventure.

The event starts after a player chooses a difficulty level (Bronze, Silver or Gold). This choice is made once for the whole event and can`t be undone.

After choosing a difficulty level, a player will choose one of four missions. The chosen mission will become active; when it is completed, the player will choose his next mission in the same way. Out of the four missions, the first can be completed at NL or 6+ tables, the second can be completed at PLO tables, the third one can be completed in the Book Of Luxor slot and the last one can be completed in the Jelly Bonanza slot. Cash tables require at least 3 players in the hand to participate (3 players must be dealt cards).

Completing each of the first 5 missions earns 2 cards from a virtual poker deck, all further missions earn 1 card. A player can complete up to 12 missions and obtain up to 17 cards. Collected cards are automatically arranged into an OFC fantasyland. First, the bottom box is filled, then the middle box, and finally the top box. The rules automatic arrangements are simple: (1) if it is not possible to get bonus points in the bottom box, it must hold the maximum possible type of combination and (2) otherwise, the bottom box may hold any combination that scores bonus points. The automatic layout will deliver the maximum possible bonus score, while fulfilling these two conditions. A manual layout is not provided.

When the event is over, your fantasyland will be scored. Your score will be equal to the total number of royalty points earned for combinations in full boxes according to standard OFC scoring.

Your actual cash prize will depend on the chosen difficulty level:

- for Bronze you will receive $0.5 for each royalty point.

- for Silver you will receive $1 for each royalty point.

- for Gold you will receive $2.5 for each royalty point.

Jade Rush at Mobile Poker Club offers a unique experience and the opportunity to earn additional prizes.

Common information

  • Website: MobilPokerClub
  • Poker network: Independent
  • Brand: MobilPokerClub
  • Founded: 2010
  • Country: Curacao
  • Currency: US Dollar
  • Rakeback: up to 40%
  • HUD/Tracker support: no
  • Support language: English
  • Cashier: Visa, MasterCard, Skrill